Commit 3857e41d by Iwasaki Yudai

Add alternatives section to README

1 parent 8f9d5ba5
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......@@ -161,6 +161,19 @@ make
GoTTY uses [hterm](!forum/chromium-hterm) to run a JavaScript based terminal on web browsers. GoTTY itself provides a websocket server that simply relays output from the TTY to clients and receives input from clients and forwards it to the TTY. This hterm + websocket idea is inspired by [Wetty](
## Alternatives
### Terminal/SSH on Web Browsers
* [Secure Shell (Chrome App)]( If you are a chrome user and need a "real" SSH client on your web browser, perhaps the Secure Shell app is what you want
* [Wetty]( Node based web terminal (SSH/login)
### Terminal Sharing
* [tmate]( Forked-Tmux based Terminal-Terminal sharing
* [termshare]( Terminal-Terminal sharing through a HTTP server
* [tmux]( Tmux itself also supports TTY sharing through SSH)
# License
The MIT License
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