Commit 04a86756 by Ting PAN

remove redundant files

1 parent 56394313
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Dragon
// Copyright(c) 2017 SeetaTech
// Written by Ting Pan
// --------------------------------------------------------
#include "core/operator.h"
namespace dragon {
template <class Context>
class DenseBlockOp final : public Operator<Context> {
DenseBlockOp(const OperatorDef& op_def, Workspace* ws)
: num_conv_layers(OperatorBase::GetSingleArg<int>("num_conv_layers", 1)),
growth_rate(OperatorBase::GetSingleArg<int>("growth_rate", 12)) {}
void Init();
TIndex num_conv_layers, growth_rate;
\ No newline at end of file
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h>
#include "dragon.h"
#include "protos/dragon.pb.h"
#include "core/common.h"
#include "core/workspace.h"
#include "utils/caffemodel.h"
namespace dragon {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr < Workspace > > g_workspaces;
std::mutex g_mutex;
Workspace* CreateWorkspace(const std::string& name){
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(g_mutex);
if (g_workspaces.count(name)) return g_workspaces[name].get();
std::shared_ptr<Workspace> new_workspace(new Workspace());
g_workspaces[name] = new_workspace;
return new_workspace.get();
void CreateGraph(const std::string& graph_file, Workspace* ws){
GraphDef graph_def;
int fd = open(graph_file.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
CHECK_NE(fd, -1) << "File not found: " << graph_file;
google::protobuf::io::FileInputStream* input =
new google::protobuf::io::FileInputStream(fd);
bool success = google::protobuf::TextFormat::Parse(input, &graph_def);
delete input;
if (!success) LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid graph file for Dragon.";
dragon::GraphBase* graph = ws->CreateGraph(graph_def);
if (!graph) LOG(FATAL) << "Can not create the graph.";
void CreateTensor(const std::string& name, Workspace* ws){
template <typename T>
void FeedTensor(const std::string& name,
const vector<TIndex>& shape,
const T* data, Workspace* ws){
Tensor* tensor = ws->CreateTensor(name);
tensor->mutable_data<T, CUDAContext>();
CUDAContext context;
context.Memcpy<CUDAContext, CPUContext>(tensor->nbytes(),
tensor->raw_mutable_data<CUDAContext>(), static_cast<const void*>(data));
void TransplantCaffeModel(const std::string& input_model, const std::string& output_model) {
TensorProtos protos;
NetParameter net_param;
ReadProtoFromBinaryFile(input_model.c_str(), &net_param);
for (int i = 0; i < net_param.layer_size(); i++) {
const LayerParameter& layer = net_param.layer(i);
const string& layer_name =;
string prefix = layer_name + "@param";
for (int j = 0; j < layer.blobs_size(); j++) {
string tensor_name = prefix + dragon_cast<string, int>(j);
BlobProto blob = layer.blobs(j);
TensorProto* proto = protos.add_protos();
vector<TIndex> dims;
for (auto dim : blob.shape().dim()) {
for (auto data : proto->add_float_data(data);
Tensor fake_tensor; fake_tensor.Reshape(dims);
LOG(INFO) << "Tensor(" << tensor_name << ") "
<< "transplanted, shape: " << fake_tensor.dim_string()
<< ", size: " << blob.data_size();
std::fstream output(output_model, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc | std::ios::binary);
LOG(INFO) << "save the model @: " << output_model << "......";
LOG(INFO) << "model format: DragonMoel";
void LoadDragonmodel(const std::string& model_file, Workspace* ws){
TensorProtos tensors;
ReadProtoFromBinaryFile(model_file.c_str(), &tensors);
LOG(INFO) << "Restore From Model @: " << model_file << "......";
LOG(INFO) << "Model Format: DragonModel";
for (int i = 0; i < tensors.protos_size(); i++){
const TensorProto& proto = tensors.protos(i);
const string& tensor_name =;
if (!ws->HasTensor(tensor_name)) ws->CreateTensor(tensor_name);
vector<TIndex> dims;
for (auto dim : proto.dims()) dims.push_back(dim);
Tensor* tensor = ws->GetTensor(tensor_name);
std::stringstream dim_string;
if (dims.size() > 0) {
CHECK_EQ(tensor->count(), proto.float_data_size())
<< "Tensor(" << tensor_name << ") "
<< "failed to load, except size: "
<< tensor->count() << ", loaded " << proto.float_data_size();
dim_string << tensor->dim_string();
} else{
tensor->Reshape(vector<TIndex>(1, proto.float_data_size()));
dim_string << "(missing)";
float* Xdata = tensor->mutable_data<float, CPUContext>();
for (int idx = 0; idx < proto.float_data_size(); idx++)
Xdata[idx] = proto.float_data(idx);
LOG(INFO) << "Tensor(" << tensor_name << ") "
<< "loaded, shape: " << dim_string.str()
<< ", size: " << proto.float_data_size();
void LoadCaffemodel(const std::string& model_file, Workspace* ws){
NetParameter net_param;
ReadProtoFromBinaryFile(model_file.c_str(), &net_param);
std::string scope = "";
LOG(INFO) << "Restore From Model @: " << model_file << "......";
LOG(INFO) << "Model Format: CaffeModel";
for (int i = 0; i < net_param.layer_size(); i++){
const LayerParameter& layer = net_param.layer(i);
const string& layer_name =;
string prefix = scope + layer_name + "@param";
for (int j = 0; j < layer.blobs_size(); j++){
string tensor_name = prefix + dragon_cast<string, int>(j);
if (!ws->HasTensor(tensor_name))
BlobProto blob = layer.blobs(j);
vector<TIndex> dims;
for (auto dim : blob.shape().dim()) dims.push_back(dim);
Tensor* tensor = ws->GetTensor(tensor_name);
std::stringstream dim_string;
if (dims.size() > 0) {
CHECK_EQ(tensor->count(), blob.data_size())
<< "Tensor(" << tensor_name << ") "
<< "failed to load, except size: "
<< tensor->count() << ", loaded " << blob.data_size();
dim_string << tensor->dim_string();
tensor->Reshape(vector<TIndex>(1, blob.data_size()));
dim_string << "(missing)";
float* Xdata = tensor->mutable_data<float, CPUContext>();
for (int idx = 0; idx < blob.data_size(); idx++)
Xdata[idx] =;
LOG(INFO) << "Tensor(" << tensor_name << ") "
<< "loaded, shape: " << dim_string.str()
<< ", size: " << blob.data_size();
void RunGraph(const std::string& graph_name, Workspace* ws){
ws->RunGraph(graph_name, "", "");
template <typename T>
T* FetchTensor(const std::string& name,
vector<TIndex>& shape,
Workspace* ws){
if (!ws->HasTensor(name)){
LOG(FATAL) << "Tensor(" << name << ")"
<< " doesn't exist, try create it before.";
Tensor* tensor = ws->GetTensor(name);
if (tensor->meta().id() == 0){
LOG(FATAL) << "Tensor(" << name << ")"
<< " has not been computed yet";
shape = tensor->dims();
void* data = malloc(tensor->nbytes());
if (tensor->memory_state() == MixedMemory::STATE_AT_CUDA) {
CUDAContext::Memcpy<CPUContext, CUDAContext>(tensor->nbytes(),
data, tensor->raw_data<CUDAContext>());
CPUContext::Memcpy<CPUContext, CPUContext>(tensor->nbytes(),
data, tensor->raw_data<CPUContext>());
return static_cast<T*>(data);
void SetLogLevel(const std::string& level) {
} // namespace dragon
\ No newline at end of file
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Dragon
// Copyright(c) 2017 SeetaTech
// Written by Ting Pan
// --------------------------------------------------------
#include <string>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#ifdef WIN32
#define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define EXPORT
namespace dragon {
class Workspace;
typedef int64_t TIndex;
EXPORT Workspace* CreateWorkspace(const std::string& name);
EXPORT void CreateGraph(const std::string& graph_file, Workspace* ws);
EXPORT void RunGraph(const std::string& graph_name, Workspace* ws);
EXPORT void CreateTensor(const std::string& name, Workspace* ws);
template <typename T>
void FeedTensor(const std::string& name,
const std::vector<TIndex>& shape,
const T* data, Workspace* ws);
template <typename T>
T* FetchTensor(const std::string& name,
std::vector<TIndex>& shape,
Workspace* ws);
template EXPORT float* FetchTensor(const std::string&,
template EXPORT void FeedTensor(const std::string&,
const std::vector<TIndex>&,
const float*, Workspace*);
EXPORT void LoadCaffemodel(const std::string& model_file, Workspace* ws);
EXPORT void TransplantCaffeModel(const std::string& input_model, const std::string& output_model);
EXPORT void LoadDragonmodel(const std::string& model_file, Workspace* ws);
EXPORT void SetLogLevel(const std::string& level);
} // namespace dragon
\ No newline at end of file
#include "operators/vision/dense_block_op.h"
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