Commit 78a96136 by shenyizhong


1 parent d9a7681c
Showing with 22 additions and 0 deletions
./minsync --token [token] [upload|download] [src] [dst]
Besure path end with '/'
Upload files in local path [/home/syz/tmp/ht_data_upload_test/] to remot path [path_remot], [path_remot] must be existed
./minsync --token 82220f1ab6724427a96b90c85aa95491 upload /home/syz/tmp/ht_data_upload_test/ /path_remot/
Download files in remot path [path_remot] to local [/home/syz/tmp/ht_data_download_test], local path must be existed
./minsync --token 0cd208dfdebb46fcbe8fbbc831468588 download /path_remot/ /home/syz/tmp/ht_data_download_test/
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