Commit b806d48b by tingweiwang

Update cfg-gpuhub-server.yaml.j2 模板要加 "" 防止渲染后 特殊字符 不被识别

1 parent 8be138b3
Showing with 11 additions and 11 deletions
......@@ -15,28 +15,28 @@ data:
storage_root_path: /mnt
host: {{ mysql_host }}
user: {{ mysql_user }}
password: {{ mysql_password }}
host: "{{ mysql_host }}"
user: "{{ mysql_user }}"
password: "{{ mysql_password }}"
db_name: "gpuhub"
host: {{ redis_host }}
password: {{ redis_password }}
host: "{{ redis_host }}"
password: "{{ redis_password }}"
host: {{ rabbitmq_host }}
user: {{ rabbitmq_user }}
password: {{ rabbitmq_password }}
host: "{{ rabbitmq_host }}"
user: "{{ rabbitmq_user }}"
password: "{{ rabbitmq_password }}"
host: {{ influxdb_host }}
token: {{ influxdb_token }}
host: "{{ influxdb_host }}"
token: "{{ influxdb_token }}"
# expose_url 指的是frps的访问地址, 用于agent访问, 如果agent都运行在k8s中, 可以使用svc命名url
# 如果agent可能运行在公网环境下, 那么需要使用frps在公网环境下的url
expose_url: {{ frp_host }} #
expose_url: "{{ frp_host }}" #
# 定义frps的端口范围, 注意, 这项修改只会对之后运行的实例产生影响, 已经建立连接的不会重新申请
# "35000-45000" 指 35000 到 45000共计10001个端口
allow_ports: "35000-45000"
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