Commit 1e9ddaf6 by tingweiwang


1 parent 798eed02
Showing with 1 additions and 1 deletions
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ mysql_host= #为了兼容容器化部署mysql
echo "mysql用户授权远程机器登陆"
mysql -u $mysql_user -p$mysql_password -h $mysql_host -e "use mysql;"
mysql -u $mysql_user -p$mysql_password -h $mysql_host -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' identified by 'seetatech';"
mysql -u $mysql_user -p$mysql_password- h $mysql_host -e "flush privileges;"
mysql -u $mysql_user -p$mysql_password -h $mysql_host -e "flush privileges;"
service mysql restart
echo "创建数据库autodl-core"
mysql -u $mysql_user -p$mysql_password -h $mysql_host -e 'CREATE SCHEMA `autodl-core`;' #数据库名字带-需要通过``符号转义
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