Commit 2a12debb by tingweiwang


1 parent 06d748ca
Showing with 1 additions and 1 deletions
......@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ ansible master -m shell -a "service docker restart"
echo "解压harbor到/usr/local/目录"
tar -xvzf /root/k8s/package/harbor_aly.tar.gz -C /usr/local/
cd /usr/local/harbor/ && sed -i s/harbor_host/$harbor_host/g harbor.cfg && ./prepare && ./ && echo "harbor安装成功"
echo "您的harbor服务器访问地址为:$harbor_host,请创建harbor所项目目录:k8s core autodl seetaas autodl-workspacm 您有90s的时间"
echo "您的harbor服务器访问地址为:$harbor_host,请创建harbor所项目目录:k8s kpl_k8s core autodl seetaas autodl-workspace 您有90s的时间"
sleep 90
docker login $harbor_host -uadmin -p$harbor_passwd
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