Commit ded7f094 by Stephan van Ellewee

removing makefile reference to godeps

1 parent f0fe6d57
Showing with 1 additions and 1 deletions
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ VERSION = 2.0.0-alpha.3
BUILD_OPTIONS = -ldflags "-X main.Version=$(VERSION) -X main.CommitID=$(GIT_COMMIT)"
gotty: main.go server/*.go webtty/*.go backend/*.go Makefile
godep go build ${BUILD_OPTIONS}
go build ${BUILD_OPTIONS}
.PHONY: asset
asset: bindata/static/js/gotty-bundle.js bindata/static/index.html bindata/static/favicon.png bindata/static/css/index.css bindata/static/css/xterm.css bindata/static/css/xterm_customize.css
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