CamelCase is a Golang (Go) package to split the words of a camelcase type string into a slice of words. It can be used to convert a camelcase word (lower or upper case) into any type of word.
go get
Usage and examples
splitted := camelcase.Split("GolangPackage")
fmt.Println(splitted[0], splitted[1]) // prints: "Golang", "Package"
Both lower camel case and upper camel case are supported. For more info please check:
Below are some example cases:
lowercase => ["lowercase"]
Class => ["Class"]
MyClass => ["My", "Class"]
MyC => ["My", "C"]
HTML => ["HTML"]
PDFLoader => ["PDF", "Loader"]
AString => ["A", "String"]
SimpleXMLParser => ["Simple", "XML", "Parser"]
vimRPCPlugin => ["vim", "RPC", "Plugin"]
GL11Version => ["GL", "11", "Version"]
99Bottles => ["99", "Bottles"]
May5 => ["May", "5"]
BFG9000 => ["BFG", "9000"]