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Dragon: A Computation Graph Virtual Machine Based Deep Learning Framework

Compile Requirements for C++

  1. Google Protocol Buffer
  2. Python (2.7, 64bit)   |   Anaconda (2.7, 64bit)
  3. CUDA [Optional]
  4. CUDNN [Optional]
  5. OpenMPI [Optional]

Runtime Requirements for Python

  1. Package: protobuf
  2. Package: lmdb


  1. Clone this repository

  2. (Optional) Download and install CUDA

    (Optional) Download and install CUDNN

  3. (Optional) Download and unzip to Dragon/3rdparty (Out of source code dir)

    Win64 (OpenBLAS / Protobuf for VS2013 / CUDNN v6 / Microsoft MPI)

    Linux64 (OpenMPI)

  4. Configure Dragon/CMakeLists.txt

    • Select optional libraries [CUDA / CUDNN / BLAS / SSE / MPI / MPI_CUDA_AWARE / CUDA_FP16]
    • Set 3rdparty path (recommend to keep defualt)
    • Set python & numpy root path
    • Set cuda compiling architectures if necessary
    • GCC version(4.8+, 5.0-) should add -std=c++11 to CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS, if nullptr is not found.
  5. Environment Variables

    Linux(Only for OpenMPI):

    • Create dragon.conf

      sudo vim /etc/
      • Append 1 line for libraries dir of your 3rdparty, e.g. :
        • /home/Dragon/3rdparty/lib
    • rebuild the scaning cache

      sudo ldconfig


    • add binary directionary to system environment variables, e.g. :
      • PATH=........;C:\Dragon\3rdparty\bin;
  6. Setup MPI [Optional]


  7. Compile


    • Install cmake

      sudo apt-get install cmake
    • Make

      cd Dragon
      mkdir build
      cd build
      cmake ..
      make install -j16


    • Install cmake-gui
    • Mkdir Dragon/build
    • Configure and generate MSVC project in Dragon/build
    • Open Dragon/build/Dragon.sln
    • Compile and generate for "INSTALL" solution
  8. Deploy

    python Dragon/ install



import dragon

Virtual DL Frameworks

import dragon.vm.theano as theano
import dragon.vm.caffe as caffe
import dragon.vm.tensorflow as tf


[IPython Notebook] -> (

We will revise several classical examples, covering both CV, NLP and RL.


import dragon.config
dragon.config.EnableCUDA(device_id, use_cudnn=True)

Automatic Memory Optimization(AMC)

import dragon.config

This option will make all gradients share a global tensor(debugging is intractable).

which prefers a 50% memory-usage and 15% slower solution during training phase.


  • NameScope
import dragon
from dragon.core.tensor import Tensor
with dragon.name_scope(prefix='conv1'):
    w = Tensor('weight').Variable()    # named as conv1/weight
    b = Tensor('bias').Variable()      # named as conv1/bias
  • DeviceScope
import dragon
with dragon.deive_scope(deivce='gpu', id=0, use_cudnn=True):
    x = ops.Add(a, b)    # use /gpu:0 and cuDNN
  • PhaseScope
import dragon
import dragon.vm.theano as theano
 with dragon.phase_scope(phase='train'):
    f = theano.function(outputs=y)    # force the training phase even without gradients computation

License and Citation

Dragon is released under the BSD 2-Clause license.

Please cite Dragon in your publications if it helps your research:

  Author = {Pan, Ting},
  Journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.08265},
  Title = {Dragon: A Computation Graph Virtual Machine Based Deep Learning Framework},
  Year = {2017}