Name Last Update
colors Loading commit data...
data Loading commit data...
transplants/VGG16 Loading commit data...
voc-fcn16s Loading commit data...
voc-fcn32s Loading commit data...
voc-fcn8s Loading commit data...
voc-fcn8s-atonce Loading commit data... Loading commit data... Loading commit data... Loading commit data... Loading commit data... Loading commit data...

Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation

This is the reference implementation of the models and code for the fully convolutional networks (FCNs) in the PAMI FCN and CVPR FCN papers:

Fully Convolutional Models for Semantic Segmentation
Evan Shelhamer*, Jonathan Long*, Trevor Darrell
PAMI 2016

Fully Convolutional Models for Semantic Segmentation
Jonathan Long*, Evan Shelhamer*, Trevor Darrell
CVPR 2015

Requirements: software

Python packages you might not have: numpy, PIL, python-opencv

Requirements: hardware

For training the FCN with VGG16 for VOC images(~500x350), 4G of GPU memory is sufficient (using CUDNN)

Installation (sufficient for the demo)

  1. We'll call the directory of Seg-FCN as FCN_ROOT

  2. Download pre-computed Seg-FCN models

  • FCN-32s PASCAL: single stream, 32 pixel prediction stride net, scoring 63.6 mIU on seg11valid
  • FCN-16s PASCAL: two stream, 16 pixel prediction stride net, scoring 65.0 mIU on seg11valid
  • FCN-8s PASCAL: three stream, 8 pixel prediction stride net, scoring 65.5 mIU on seg11valid and 67.2 mIU on seg12test
  • FCN-8s PASCAL at-once: all-at-once, three stream, 8 pixel prediction stride net, scoring 65.4 mIU on seg11valid
    cp fcn8s-heavy-pascal.caffemodel $FCN_ROOT/data/seg_fcn_models

These models were trained online with high momentum, using extra data from Hariharan et al., but excluding SBD val.

FCN-32s is fine-tuned from the ILSVRC-trained VGG-16 model, and the finer strides are then fine-tuned in turn.

The "at-once" FCN-8s is fine-tuned from VGG-16 all-at-once by scaling the skip connections to better condition optimization.


After successfully completing basic installation, you'll be ready to run the demo.

To run the demo


The demo performs semantic segmentation using a VGG16 network trained for semantic segmentation on SBDD.

Beyond the demo: installation for training and testing models

  1. Download the SBDD(for training), VOC2011(for testing)

  2. Extract all of these tars into the $FCN_ROOT/data, should have this basic structure

    # ... and several other directories ...
  3. Follow the next sections to download pre-trained ImageNet models

Download pre-trained ImageNet models

Pre-trained ImageNet models can be downloaded for backbone net: VGG16.

Transplant a fully-connected net into a fully-convolution net

cp VGG16.v2.caffemodel $FCN_ROOT/transplant/VGG16
cd $FCN_ROOT/transplant/VGG16

This script will generate a new model VGG16.fcn.caffemodel for training.


FCN prefers two training methods:

  1. CVPR version:

    First, Train FCN-32s for 1 day.

    Then, Train FCN-16s fintune from FCN-32s for 1 day.

    Final, Train FCN-8s fintune from FCN-16s for 1 day.

    Follow this way, you should run $FCN_ROOT/voc-fcn32s | voc-fcn16s | fcn-8s/ sequentially.

  2. PAMI version:

    Directly run $FCN_ROOT/voc-fcn8s-atonce/

Both of above ways train same iterations, PAMI ver. is simpier and got similar results.

Trained Seg-FCN networks are saved under:


Test outputs are saved under:
